Aquamarine Gemstone - Meaning & Healing Properties

Who Needs Aquamarine Crystals?

Aquamarine Gemstone is an exceptionally elegant light blue-colored stone of the Beryl mineral family. The term Aquamarine is obtained from the Latin word aqua marina, indicating sea-water in reference to the hue displayed by the gemstone. This captivating gemstone exhibits very light, vibrant, and luxurious bluish-green or blue hues. It was thought that this gemstone was worn to pacify sea waves and keep sailors saved at sea. Like many Beryl minerals, Aquamarine gemstones are formed by large crystals suitable for sizable shaped gems and carvings. You may profit from Aquamarine gems if you can recite to any of the following:

  • When you need to calm down your impetuous energies

  • When you want to express your truth to the world

  • When you are a singer or performer

  • When you have a link to the seas

  • When you desire to balance your Throat chakra

What is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine gemstone is the only blue-green gemstone of the bright Beryl mineral family. If you remember, we studied Amazonite presently being the only blue-green gemstone of the Feldspar family? Well, likewise, Aquamarine Gemstone is cherished by its family for its standout color.

Another standout in the Beryl mineral family is called green Emeralds. Where Emerald Gemstone receives most of its green hue from Chromium, Aquamarine takes its blue-green hues from Iron.

Ava Personal Experience with Aquamarine

I am so blessed to be encompassed by crystals all of the time. I don't simply become attached to a distinct piece because I like watching new gems come into the shop and go off to their legitimate homes. One of the only gems that I call my own is a huge raw Aquamarine gemstone.

My Aquamarine gemstone has a rich blue hue, superb color, and form. It was a present given to me many years ago by a fellow gem vendor who noticed my desire for the piece.

The restorative gemstone sits right in front of my computer monitor, which implies that I see it all the time. I pretty much use half my life in front of the computer. Now, I am feeling that it soothes my otherwise zealous mind, and guards me against electromagnetic pollution.

Another thing I admire about the precious gemstone is that it agrees to my Throat Chakra - of which I'm continually working to advance. Communication is the only key life lesson that comes back to bite me all the time, and with Aquamarine gemstone I'm making good headway with being more fluent and empathetic in my communication and thoughts.

I am thankful to my blessed Aquamarine for standing by my side.

Where is Aquamarine Found?

Aquamarine gemstone is located mostly in Brazil, the Urals of Russia (although the deposits here may be consumed), Queensland in Australia, Myanmar Burma, China, India, Kenya, Zambia, Colombia, Tanzania, the United States, and many other localities. 

Despite its title, the Aquamarine gemstone is not discovered in the water. It did form in water, though, so there's the correlation!

Does Aquamarine Gemstone change color?

The color shade of the Aquamarine stone can vary from light green to deep blue. Earlier, the sea-green Aquamarine gemstone was most admired, but today the deep blue stories are the most coveted in the gemstone business. That is why you will see most Aquamarine on the market today is heat-treated to deliver out this deep blue and reduce the green color. 

Not all rough Aquamarine Gemstone will heat equally. Depending on the locality and how they developed, some gemstones will be more useful than others. Also, some will fade in continued direct sunlight after heating and others will stay faithful.

How is Aquamarine Formed?

Aquamarine Gemstone is formed in pegmatites, which are gems produced from cooling magma. As the magma cools, water that is caught in the magma does not terminate. Instead, the water makes basins within the cooling rock. Within the cavity, minerals like Beryl can create and crystallize as the magma solidifies like a shielding barrier around the crystal. 

So for Aquamarine Gemstone to form specifically, there must be Beryl mineral and Iron in this watery solution within the magma. Beryl and Iron wick to form Aquamarine gemstone. If other crystals are present during this crystallization means, you will get a distinct gemstone altogether. 

Aquamarine gemstone can be seen forming with Biotite, Garnet, Phenakite, and Topaz within its pegmatite womb. 

The transparent, gem-quality Aquamarine gemstone is discovered deeper within the planet. The more opaque and crackly Aquamarine is found closer to the earth's surface because it has been more consolidated over time. This method could also be a result of the minerals and the hardness of the soils where the Aquamarine makes. For example, in Brazil and Colorado, many gem-quality Aquamarine gemstones were located near the surface of the earth thanks to the softer earth and crystals in the area. 

Check out the Chunks

Do you aspire to have your own Aquamarine gem?

The Largest Aquamarine Gems

So far, the most extensive Aquamarine of gemstone quality was located in 1910 in Minas Gerais, Brazil weighing 243 pounds (110.5 kilograms) and measuring 18 x 15.5 inches (48.5 x 42 centimeters). It was divided into many polished gemstones.

The most generous cut gemstone was described by Dom Pedro Aquamarine and can be viewed in the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. 

There have been other larger acquisitions, but they are not supposed to be gem quality.

You can also read Top 3 things to Know Before Buying an Aquamarine Gemstone

Metaphysical Meaning of Aquamarine

Aquamarine Gemstone is remembered for its calming energies. It is a calming gem that calms the mind and reduces anxiety and fear. Besides its amicable energies, here are some other spiritual interests of Aquamarine:

  • Aquamarine stone benefits reach closure on all levels.

  • This divine gemstone connects you with guardian spirits.

  • Aquamarine's patient responses are perfect for empaths. 

  • It supports prioritizing your life, so you're not surprised by your large to-do list.

  •  Aquamarine Gemstone is a happiness stone supporting long-lasting friendships, marriages, and partnerships.

How to use Aquamarine Gemstones

Whether you are looking to use Aquamarine gemstone in healing, jewelry, or in the home, here are some thoughts to get you started on your gemstones journeys: 

Aquamarine holds have long been connected with the seas. In fact, it appears from a Latin term interest water of the seas. Wear Aquamarine gemstone to keep you secure when you are running for a sail, taking a cruise, or swimming in the ocean. 

If you are moving into a high-stress situation, have some Aquamarine stones in your opening to use as worry stones and ease your anxieties. 

Meditate with Aquamarine gemstone polished stones for a gentle and supportive vibration into the religious realm. 

Use raw Aquamarine gems to put around the bed to sustain your heartbeat and lull you into sleep. 

Activate Aquamarine gemstones with a tuning fork to vibrate their responses into the Throat and Heart Chakras. 

Decorate your place with Aquamarine stones to bring tranquil power to your home, office, and garden. 

Gift Aquamarine to beloved friends and family, especially those born in the month of March. 

Wear Aquamarine jewelry when you are about to versify, to reach the harmony of the angelic realm. 

Hold Aquamarine gemstones in times of grief. Its nurturing responses will get you through the hard times. 

Aquamarine Jewels for your Personal Sea God

Bring out your personal Poseidon or Amphitrite with our Aquamarine gemstone for Gods and Goddesses. Sheila's top picks are:

What Chakra is Aquamarine for?

Aquamarine gemstone is connected with the Throat and the Heart Chakra. The more blue variants of Aquamarine vibrate with the Throat Chakra for persuasive communication. It can also be worn at the Third Eye Chakra to increase meditation.

The more green versions of Aquamarine fluctuate with the Heart Chakra for a patient, loving power. 

Mineral Facts of Aquamarine

The aquamarine gemstone holds a 7.5-8 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This gives it a pretty hard stone, up there with Quartz and Topaz, and does not scratch quickly. If you see marks on the surface, it is apparently glass or a softer stone. 

Surface Color: Green to Blue

Streak Hue (can range from surface color, this is the color of the crystals’ powdered minerals): Neutral 

Group: Silicates (silicon + oxygen)

Cleavage (where the gem breaks off easily to form a new face, parallel to its structure. This is a clean separation and can cut over and over again along the corresponding face, retaining the crystals structure): Poor, Vague

  • Break: Conchoidal (concave, like when glass breaks)

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy)

  • Transparency: Transparent to Translucent

  • Crystal System: Hexagonal (six-sided)

  • Crystal Habit: Prismatic (two end faces are alike in shape)

What Birthstone is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine Gemstone is considered the birthstone for anyone born in the month of March. If you or someone you understand is born in March, make sure to have some Aquamarine gemstone in your life and see how this gemstone can give you a glow. 

Aquamarine gemstone is also connected with the zodiac of Pisces and is the traditionally gifted stone for the 19th anniversary of marriage. 

How to Cleanse Aquamarine

Aquamarine Gemstone is a comparatively hard stone, but it is also fragile depending on what styles and crevices are included in the stone. It can be rinsed in running water. When in doubt, just use a simple cloth. 

Buy Aquamarine Gemstone Online

When it comes to buying the certified aquamarine gemstone from a trusted gemstone store like Navratan - The Online Gem Bazar, then visit our website now. Explore the wide range of certified Aquamarine gemstones along with the authenticity certificate. Shop Now!!!

Related Blog: Vedic Advantages of Wearing Aquamarine Gemstone


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